
Sunday Worship

Everyone is welcome to join us for worship at 10:00 am each Sunday morning.  Details here.

Morning Prayer

We normally meet for Morning Prayer at St Columba at 8.30 am each Wednesday morning unless James is away.

Friends of St Columba

The Friends of St Columba hold a coffee morning at 10.30 am on the 3rd Saturday of the month in St Columba.This is a great opportunity to meet new people.

Future Courses

We ran the Bereavement Journey course in 2022 and we hope to develop other opportunities to meet and explore the Christian faith, such as Hope Explored, Christianty Explored and Alpha, as time and resources allow. For more information please email the Rev'd James Howson.

In the meantime this link could be helpful.

Collingtree Park Care Home

The St Columba ministry team provide regular services of worship for the residents of this care home in the parish.  This provides opportunities for both pastoral care and sharing the Christian faith together.


First published on: 11th December 2020
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