How can I give to St Columba?
St Columba church members contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways. While the information below relates to financial giving, other pages on this site explain the variety of ways you can get involved and contribute in other ways to St Columba’s many ministries.
Cheques and cash
Gifts can be placed on the plate available at each of our Sunday services. Cheques should be made payable to ‘St Columba PCC Collingtree’.
Standing Order
This is a simple option for those who want their giving to be regular and consistent. It also reduces our admin costs and helps with budgeting. To do this, please complete a Standing Order mandate which you can obtain from the church welcome desk, the church office or download here .
What is Gift Aid?
If you are a UK taxpayer, St Columba Church is able to reclaim a further 25% of the value of your gift. For us to be able to claim tax back on your gifts, you need to complete a gift aid declaration form which you can obtain from the church office or download here .
Online Giving
We plan to provide a facility to give online and hope to have this available in the next few months. This will provide the opportunity to make one off donations or to set up regular giving to St Columba.
Need more information?
If you’re not sure about how to give or want more information about what happens to your gifts then please email our treasurer Michael Brown